Crazy in Love 2 Page 10
“I still feel guilty about everything that happened between us,” he said, as Brandi wiped her tears. “And I know what happened with Yadira wasn’t your fault, babe. It’s just that I didn’t know who to trust after the smoke cleared.” Sean gave her an earnest look. “I didn’t mean to make you think that we were going to work on a relationship. But I had to be straight up and honest about my true feelings at that time. I was fucked up in the head.”
Brandi waved him off. “The reason that I came over here is because I wanted to tell you that I forgive you. I wanted us to let bygones be bygones.” She stood up to leave. “Well, it was nice seeing you again, Sean. I’m going to leave now and I truly apologize for the intrusion.”
Sean blocked her from leaving. “I still want us to keep in touch with each other, Brandi, if that’s all right with you,” he said.
She managed to smile. “That’s cool. We can do that. Anyway, let me get out of here. I wouldn’t want your wife to come home early from her trip and catch me up in her house,” she said, gently brushing up against Sean as she walked by.
Sean chuckled. “Oh, so now you care about my wife?”
A mischievous smile appeared on Brandi’s face.
“I’m sure that your man wouldn’t be too happy about you being here with me!”
Brandi put her hands on her hips. “My man, huh? Now that’s funny! I don’t have that problem, honey!”
Sean laughed and gave her a tight hug. “I missed you so much, girl,” he said. “I missed everything about you, even your smart-ass mouth.”
Brandi wrapped her arms around Sean’s trim waist and hugged him back. “I missed you too.”
Then it happened.
Sean and Brandi looked into each other’s eyes and a few seconds later, they were sharing a passionate kiss. While they kissed, Sean began massaging Brandi’s round derriere. He pulled her closer to him and he could feel her grinding on his growing manhood, getting him more excited by the minute. Brandi opened his terry cloth robe and let it drop to the floor. Sean unzipped Brandi’s leather jacket and practically ripped her button-down shirt off. Then he unbuttoned her tight skinny jeans and yanked them off her. The half-naked Brandi stood there, in her satin Frederick’s of Hollywood panty and bra set with a seductive look on her face.
“I want you so bad,” she whispered. “But how can we do this right now? Your wife—”
Sean hushed her. “I told you that she’s out of town until Monday,” the stark-naked Sean replied through clenched teeth.
He picked Brandi up and carried her upstairs to the bedroom that he and Milan shared. Once they were inside of the bedroom, Sean dropped Brandi on his king-sized bed. He took off her panties and immediately buried his bearded face inside of her hot pussy. He licked and sucked on her clitoris, while he finger-fucked her with his thick middle finger. Brandi moaned, as Sean stuck his tongue inside of her box and tickled her ass. She wrapped her mocha-colored thighs around Sean’s neck, getting him excited as her juices splashing all over his face.
“Oh, baby, I missed this,” Brandi whispered. “You always knew how to fuck me so good!”
Sean didn’t reply to her. Instead, he continued to suck on Brandi’s wet pussy, all while fingering her into oblivion. His manhood was even harder now. He wanted to fuck Brandi badly but of course, he was going make sure that she was satisfied first. Sean had to make the every minute of their session count so that Brandi would want to come back for more.
“Put the dick in, please, put it in,” Brandi whispered between moans. “I want to feel every inch of you in the pussy!”
Sean stood up and pushed Brandi onto the bed. She opened her legs ready to receive him. Not bothering to put on a condom, Sean entered Brandi raw, unprepared for how good her pussy was going to feel as it wrapped around his rod.
Sean closed his eyes, as he slowly began to grind inside of her. As their bodies moved in rhythmical motion, it was apparent that their feelings for each other hadn’t changed in the last three years.
Brandi felt the urge to give Sean some of her infamous head. She pushed him off her and made him lay down on his back. She took his soaking wet rod and began sucking her juices off it. She deep-throated his nine inches like a pro, practically sending the mesmerized Sean into convulsions. She spit the white foamy saliva onto the shaft of his penis and slurped it back into her mouth. Then she wrapped her expert tongue around the head of his dick, sticking her tongue in and out the hole, causing him to almost jump out of his skin.
Sean grabbed Brandi’s hair and yanked it. She smiled, enjoying making his toes curl and his body jerk; this meant that she was doing her job. Brandi had her own agenda for pleasing him, as well. She didn’t want to lose Sean again and she wanted to give his wife some staunch competition. Thinking about Mrs. Daniels roaming Sean’s body only made her suck his dick even harder, so hard that he almost shot a load of his semen right into her mouth.
But before he did that, Sean stopped Brandi. He didn’t want to cum yet. Instead, he pulled Brandi on top of him. He made her sit down on his dick. Once she was on top of him, she began bouncing and grinding on it like there was no tomorrow. Every inch and diameter of her hot box was filled with Sean’s dick and she loved it. This went on for the next hour and when it finally ended, both Sean and Brandi were lying across his bed, spent from breathtaking orgasms.
Brandi exhaled. “Whew! Damn! I guess some things really don’t change, do they?” she asked.
Sean chuckled. “Nah, not at all,” he replied. He turned over to face her. “What are we doing, Brandi? Here I am, making love to you in the bed that I share with my wife! This shit ain’t right, man!”
She gazed into Sean’s eyes. “I don’t know what’s going on. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Sean lay on his back and looked up at the ceiling of his bedroom. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Brandi wiped the sweat from her forehead. “I’m not the one who’s going to be hurt. This shit is cut and dried.” There was a brief pause between them. “Now that you mention it, tell me the truth, Sean, did I just play myself or what?”
“Play yourself? No, not at all!” Sean exclaimed. “You know how I feel about you.”
“Feel about me? I knew how you felt about me but I don’t know now. And if you always felt this strongly about me, please tell me why did you marry someone else, Sean?”
Sean covered his eyes with his forearm. “Are we back on that? Brandi, we both had moved on! And what was I supposed to do? Be by myself forever? Put an APB out on your ass?”
The naked Brandi hopped up from the bed. “You were supposed to have looked for me! Damn! You know where I live! You know where I work! You were so caught up with your own got damn feelings of . . . of guilt and resentment that you didn’t even bother to consider my feelings in all of this. You let Yadira control you when she was alive and she’s still doing it from the grave! She got exactly what she wanted and that was us not being together!”
“Don’t get mad at me, babe,” Sean said, as he walked up to her and rubbed her face.
“I thought that I wouldn’t ever feel a way about you again. But lately, I don’t know, I just keep thinking about what could have been.”
Sean kissed Brandi on the forehead. “Forget all of that. You’re back now.”
“What do you mean, I’m back? Are you suggesting that we have some torrid extramarital affair with each other?”
“I’m not suggesting anything! All I know is that I want to keep you in my life.”
“I’m all for being in your life, Sean,” Brandi replied. “But having an ongoing affair with you . . . I just don’t want us to lose our friendship again,” she said, pointing her finger at him.
“We won’t lose this friendship ever again,” he said, making a vow to himself to keep Brandi in his life, no matter what. Sean kissed Brandi on the lips. With that kiss, they consummated their rekindled affair, by making love to each other one more time.
Chapter 8
r /> It was a little after four o’clock in the afternoon when Brandi walked out of Sean’s house. She was feeling sexually satisfied and liberated, too. He had made love to her for two of the three hours that she spent with him. It was so gratifying. And, of course, Sean gave an excellent performance. But her pleasure didn’t only come from the great sex that they had with each other. It came from knowing the control she still had over Sean. All Brandi cared about was when she appeared on his doorstep, Sean was more than willing to allow her right back into his life. Just like that. And all it took was a few of her tears and the guilt trip that she laid on him and, once again, she was all in. Brandi smiled. She knew what powers she had over men and she used that to best of her ability. After all, wasn’t she the one who had convinced a man to kill the father of her child?
As soon as Brandi got into her truck, she turned her cell back on. The ringing phone had been such a distraction while she and Sean were handling their business. As soon as she pressed the on button, it was ringing again and that caller was none other than Kane. She’d completely forgotten that they were supposed to be meeting up with each other that evening. Brandi took a deep breath and answered the call.
“Hello?” she answered, slightly exhausted from her sexual romp with Sean.
“Hey, Brandi, what’s up, ma?” said Kane. “I was just wondering if we were still on for tonight.”
Truthfully, Brandi was really not in the mood to go out with Kane. But she recalled a few months before when no man was checking for her. “Yeah, we’re still on for tonight. What time should I be expecting you?” she asked.
“I’ll pick you up around seven. Is that cool?” Kane replied, with a hint of anticipation in his voice.
She moved the phone away from her mouth and quietly yawned. “Seven is perfect,” Brandi reluctantly agreed.
“Okay, sweetheart. See you then.”
After disconnecting the call, Brandi sighed. She had no idea what she was getting herself into. Over time, she had prided herself on finally becoming an upstanding woman with slightly decent morals. The wretched behavior and actions of her youth were replaced with maturity and stability. But within the last few years, she became somewhat disillusioned. It seemed as if the undeserving, bitchy types of women were having all the fun. Now it was her time and she was going to do whatever she wanted to do.
It was seven p.m. on the dot when Kane rang Brandi’s phone again. “What’s up, babe?” he happily greeted her. “I’m downstairs in front of your building.”
“Go ’head, Mr. Porter!” exclaimed Brandi. “I like me a man who’s on time,” she said, with a smile.
Kane grinned. “I try to be a man of my word, babe,” he replied. “Not to mention, I have to make a good first impression on you, don’t I?”
“Well, you’re doing just that by coming to pick me up on time.”
“That’s what’s up. Anyway, hurry your pretty self downstairs. I can’t wait to see you,” Kane said, with his baritone voice, oozing with sexiness.
“I will be down in a few.”
Brandi ran into the bedroom to put on her pumps. She primped her stylish short hairdo in the mirror, sprayed on some more of her favorite Marc Jacobs perfume. After applying her favorite Sephora brand lipstick, she blew herself a kiss.
“Two men in one day ain’t half bad for an old biatch like me,” Brandi said aloud. “I hope these motherfuckers are ready for the new me!”
She grabbed her snakeskin clutch purse and her waist-length leather jacket and headed for the door. When Brandi arrived downstairs, she looked around for Kane’s car. She heard a horn beep and began smiling as she walked toward the black BMW 5 Series. Kane hopped out of the driver’s side and walked around the car to open the passenger door for her.
“Why, thank you, sweetie,” she said, flashing her signature smile. “Aren’t you a gentleman.”
“That’s no question, love,” Kane replied. “This is what I do.”
Brandi was definitely impressed with Kane’s chivalrous ways. He slid back into the driver’s seat and they pulled off.
“So where are we headed to?” she asked.
“It’s this great seafood restaurant on the water in Parsippany, New Jersey. I know that it’s a little chilly outside but as long as we have each other to hold on to, I don’t think the cold weather would affect us one bit!”
Brandi laughed. “Not at all, hon, not at all!” she agreed, looking at Kane like he was filet mignon.
She hadn’t expected to find him so physically attractive. And after they talked, Kane’s physical attributes weren’t all that Brandi liked about him. On their way to New Jersey, she learned a lot about the man. He told her about how his father, Jasper Porter, an old-time numbers runner from Bedford-Stuyvesant, invested his money wisely and took very good care of his family. He talked about his two college-age children in Virginia and how proud he was of them and their accomplishments.
Brandi loved that Kane was so honest with her. But never once did she mention anything about her convict brothers or her shady affiliates. She wasn’t ready to reveal that part of herself to him or any other man for that matter. The past remained the past for a reason.
“So you’re forty-one years old?” she asked, after Kane told her his age. “You look great!”
Kane blushed. “Thanks, sweetie! I work out about three times a week and I make sure I eat the right foods, know what I’m saying? I’m not getting any younger and I need for all of my equipment to work, if you know what I mean!”
Brandi couldn’t contain her laughter. “You are so right, Kane! I mean, let’s face it, guys in their forties begin to, well, you know, kinda lose their vitality, if you know what I mean. And if the dick, excuse my French, ain’t working properly? Shoot, he is pretty much finished!”
Kane nodded his head in agreement. “Hell yeah! Shit, I need to use my rod for more than just taking a piss out of it.”
Brandi laughed. “You ain’t never lie!”
Kane briefly took his eyes off the road. “You are stunning, babe,” he replied, with a serious look on his face. “A certified fox.”
Brandi got caught up in the moment. “Thank you, Kane,” she said, giving him a wink. “You’re quite the looker yourself.” She looked out the passenger window. “You know, I’m getting some really good vibes from you, Mr. Porter.”
Kane took his right hand off the steering wheel and rested it on Brandi’s upper thigh. “And I’m going to make sure that it stays like that.”
Brandi smiled at him but didn’t reply. After having so many crazy experiences with men and love all of her life, that wall was slowly creeping back up. She wanted to believe everything Kane said; it sounded real good. But Kane was a man and, unfortunately, Brandi had learned early on that the male species could not be trusted.
It was almost two in the morning when Kane pulled up in front of Brandi’s building to drop her off after their wonderful night out. The Moët Rosé that they were drinking had kicked in and she was feeling good and tipsy. The chivalrous Kane volunteered to walk her upstairs to her apartment.
After parking his car, Kane scooped Brandi into his arms. She giggled loudly, as he followed the cement trail leading to her building. When they got inside, Kane put her down and helped her open the door with the key. Brandi walked in ahead of him, totally unaware of Kane lustfully licking his lips and watching her from behind.
Brandi pressed the elevator button and turned around to face Kane. He was standing there with a naughty smile on his face, as he found her to be irresistible.
“Give me a kiss,” Kane whispered in her ear.
Brandi gave in. Her tongue tasted so good that Kane couldn’t help but wonder what her pussy tasted like.
“Mmmm,” Brandi moaned softly. “Damn, you can kiss, too!” she exclaimed, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.
When they came up for air, Kane smiled at her. He was amazed at Brandi’s openness, after she had been reserved for most of the ni
ght. He figured that the one shot of tequila and a few glasses of Moët did it for her. The alcohol exposed Brandi’s raunchy side and Kane loved it.
“I can eat it, too,” he whispered in her ear. “Can I taste you, pretty?” he asked.
Brandi fluttered her eyelashes. “Of course, you can,” she whispered back to him. “We’re grown, right?” she asked, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
Kane liked that response. “What about showing each other just how grown we are?”
When the elevator doors opened, Kane slowly backed Brandi up against the wall. They began kissing and feeling each other up after she pressed her floor. As they ground in the elevator, things got even more heated. The sexually aggressive Brandi made the first move. She began unbuckling Kane’s jeans on the spot and he did the same to her. A few seconds later, the elevator stopped on Brandi’s floor and the doors opened up. They walked out and continued to undress each other.
Without saying one word, they stripped down to their underwear, right in the middle of the hallway. There were apartments on either side of the hallway but luckily, no one was able to see what was going on between the two. And Brandi and Kane didn’t seem to care about someone catching them in the act. They were all over each other.
With his jeans wrapped around his ankles, Kane got on his knees and moved Brandi’s lace panties to the side. He just had to taste her sweet nectar. Brandi tried to suppress her moans of pleasure by covering her mouth with her hand. When Kane’s pussy-eating expertise became too much for her to handle, she stopped him. Kane came up for air with her vagina juices dripping off his chin.
“Let’s take this inside,” she whispered to him. They tiptoed their half-naked butts down the hallway to her apartment door. Once Brandi unlocked it, Kane immediately went back to performing oral sex on her and she was able to moan as loud as she wanted to.
“Oh, please, please, Kane,” she said, in a breathy voice. “You’re gonna make me cum, baby! Oh, yes, oh yes!”
“That’s right, baby, I want you to cum,” Kane mumbled, stroking her insides with his middle finger and sucking on her clitoris at the same time. “Cum in my mouth, baby!”