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Crazy in Love 2 Page 12

  Dollar laughed, as he continued with the memories. “Yeah, Shamari, we were some fly-ass young cats, man. And your pops? Shit, Maleek was my homie! That cat right there had a way with the ladies. He had swag for days!” Shamari smiled at that. “Him and your mother made a good couple but the way he did her . . .” Dollar drifted off. “Let’s put it like this, I didn’t agree with a lot of the shit that Maleek did when it came to your mother. But I kept my thoughts and opinions to myself.”

  Shamari seemed as if he knew what Dollar was talking about so he continued. “Now, Brandi was no angel. Like I said, you mother was off the hook! She used to get money out in the streets better than some of the dudes I knew. I’m not gonna lie, I think Maleek was kind of jealous of that. It was like he couldn’t hang with his own girl when it came to hustling. She was smarter and prettier than him so naturally hustling dudes would gravitate toward her. Imagine your baby mother blowing you out the water when it comes to getting that money? How Brandi was getting down that was unheard of back in them days. If anything, your main chick is supposed to be the underdog, the bottom bitch. But Brandi was nobody’s bottom bitch; she was on top. And she was nice with that hammer, too! She kept a biscuit on her at all times and would use it if she had to! Yeah, your mother Brandi was the truth.”

  “Sounds like she was,” was all that the shocked Shamari could muster up to say.

  Dollar was so caught up with the past that he had forgotten he was talking to Shamari. “How Maleek died was so fucked up, man. May his soul rest in peace!”

  Shamari’s eyes lit up. “How did my father die?”

  Dollar sighed. “Well, me, Peeto, and your pops made the decision to move to Virginia. I thought that he would have taken you and Brandi with him. But he said that he was leaving everything in New York behind, which meant he was leaving your mother and you, too. When we got down there, the money was flowing and so was the bitches. Maleek was down there acting like he ain’t never had pussy before! Shit, it was so bad that he refused to come back to New York, period. He didn’t even want to come back to see you!”

  Shamari frowned at that statement but that didn’t stop Dollar. He just kept right on talking.

  “Meanwhile, I was peeping Maleek’s whole steeze. I was the one in his ear, telling him that not going to see his son wasn’t right and honestly, Shamari, that dude wasn’t trying to hear nothing that me or nobody else said.”

  “How did my father die, man? Do you know who killed him?” Shamari said, getting impatient with Dollar’s beating around the bush.

  “It was some country bumpkin named Smokey who killed Maleek. The streets tried to say that Brandi had your pops killed but I don’t believe that shit for one minute! Then the streets tried to say that she was messing around with Smokey, even said they saw her in Virginia with Smokey, a few weeks before your pops got killed.” Dollar waved off that idea. “Man, listen! Motherfuckers was lying and scheming so much back then, you didn’t know who to believe! Then right after your father got killed, Smokey ended up dead too.” He shook his head. “But, hey. That’s how the game goes when you out in this world hustling, breaking the law and shit. We both know that it’s only a few ways out of the game. I think you know about one of them ways, young blood, ’cause we living this shit right now! This jail shit is for the birds though.”

  Dollar banged on the gate to the pen that he was in. “Look, Shamari, I’m gonna tell you something, son: stay the fuck outta jail, man! I’ve been coming back and forth to this rock for most of my life and it’s no joke. I can’t even trust myself enough to stay the hell outta here. Do you have kids, man?”

  “Yeah, I have a son. He’s a month old,” Shamari said.

  “You see what I’m talking about?” Dollar said, getting all animated. “You need to be at home with your baby, man! Don’t get caught up with this street shit. You don’t want the karma to fall back on your son! See what I told you about your father, right?” Shamari nodded. “Now look at what’s happening to you! That’s what I’m talking about!” He sucked his teeth. “You don’t want history repeating itself. Get your life right, man! Anyway, how’s your moms doing?”

  Shamari attempted to smile. “She’s good. She’s got her master’s degree and a good career. She’s straight.”

  Dollar smiled at that news. “Good for her. I knew she was better than that hustling murder one bullshit. As smart as she was, I’m glad that she applied her brain to something other than the streets. Now you have to do the same thing, man. Follow in your mother’s footsteps, not your father’s, little homie.”

  Dollar paused for a moment and just stared at Shamari. Looking at him was like looking at a younger version of Maleek. He got a grip on his emotions and choked back tears. “Tell your moms that I said hello. And good luck to you, too, Shamari. Remember what I told you: follow in your mother’s footsteps. But don’t forget your pops. He still lives through you, man. Word.”

  A half hour later, the correction officers cuffed Dollar and took him out of the pen. As he was being escorted out, he gave Shamari a head nod. When Dollar got back to Four South, he discovered that he was already packed up and being transferred to another facility. He never got the chance to talk to Shamari again.

  “Maybe I didn’t need to tell him some of those things,” Dollar said with a laugh.

  “You think?” Brandi replied. She had to laugh too.

  The waitress came to their table with their food. “But how was he acting after he told you about the talk I had with him?”

  Brandi made her eyes flutter. “Okay, okay! I have to admit his attitude did seem a little better. He seemed a lot more mature minded after y’all’s little talk,” she said, while munching on her omelet.

  “Exactly! He needed that man-to-man talk. Maleek was gone and your brothers were too busy getting locked up to reinforce some positive shit into their nephew.”

  At the mention of her brothers, Brandi put down her fork and rubbed her temples. “Please don’t remind me of those Negroes! They’re still putting my mother through the ringer and they’re all in their mid-forties. I call them dumb, dumber, and dummy!”

  Dollar laughed. “You ain’t right!”

  Brandi shook her head. “It’s true!” She gave him a look. “You know, Dollar, it’s crazy but I never realized how much I missed my people from back in the day until I ran into you today. How could I ever forget the times that you stood up for me when Maleek was beating my ass? If I never told you before, I truly appreciate everything you did for me, Dollar,” she said, putting her hand over his.

  Dollar squeezed her hand and continued to stuff some egg whites into his mouth. “It was no problem, baby girl. I already told you how I felt about you and what you deserved. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way.”

  “No, I didn’t. No woman deserves to be treated that way.”

  They continued to eat their breakfast and chat about the old days. After they finished their food, Dollar ordered some mimosas for them to make a toast.

  “To old friends,” he said. Brandi nodded her head and took a sip of the drink. “Yo, Brandi, listen, before we go our separate ways, I have something that I want to confess to you,” he said.

  Brandi’s doe eyes opened wide. “What is it?”

  “I was always feeling you,” he said. Brandi blinked but didn’t say a word. “Yo, ever since the day you got with Maleek, I thought that you were the cutest thing. And you had this way about you that I always respected. You was a no-nonsense chick who held down your man—”

  Brandi cut him off. “Oh, God! Please don’t remind me of none of the stupid shit that I did back then,” she said, thinking about how she used to carry herself in her wild days. “I was so crazy!”

  Dollar held out his arms. “No, no! I don’t want to bring up anything from the past; I know the past is very painful for you and me too but I always thought that you were too good for Maleek. He didn’t appreciate you like he should have. I used to always say to myself that if I ever had
a chance with her, I would treat her like the queen she is.”

  Brandi began laughing and slowly clapping her hands. “Dollar, you never cease to amaze me! You still got your player game down pat!”

  Dollar frowned at her. “Nah, sweetheart, I’m so serious right now,” he said, feeling relieved that he’d finally got his feelings about her off his chest.

  Brandi’s facial expression changed. He could actually feel her staring at the frown lines forming in the center of his forehead.

  “You are serious,” she replied.

  “I am dead ass!” he said. “It’s no games to be played here.”

  “So what are you saying to me, Dollar?”

  Dollar pulled out his phone. “I’m not saying nothing yet. Let’s just exchange numbers and keep in touch with each other. Maybe I can show you better than I can tell you.”

  “Wow, I never saw this side of you before,” Brandi said.

  “And you’re going to see plenty more sides of me. I’m a changed man.”

  Brandi smiled. “Yeah, right! You’re probably the same old Dollar! You’ve always been such a slickster.”

  “I’m still a slickster but I’m a go-getter, too. When I want something, I go for it,” he said to Brandi, giving her a sly look.

  Brandi blushed and exchanged information with him. Soon after, they were back in their cars and driving away.

  As Dollar headed for Peeto’s house, he was elated. He couldn’t wait to tell his right-hand man about Brandi. But then again, he decided to keep that news to himself. This time around, he didn’t want anyone or anything ruining his chances of finally getting with the one woman he always loved.

  Chapter 10

  Across town in Canarsie, Kane was at his wit’s end. He must’ve called Brandi’s phone most of the morning but she still wasn’t picking up. And that was something that Kane wasn’t used to.

  All of sudden, Kane’s phone began vibrating. He anxiously answered the call, hoping that it was Brandi returning his call. But it wasn’t who he thought it was.

  “What’s up, Kane?” India greeted him in that loud, raspy voice of hers. “What you doing?”

  Kane shook his head, wishing that the call was from Brandi. Damn, why did it have to be India?

  Kane had met India back in the summer of 2010, at one of Rasheed’s yearly cookouts. Judging from her outer beauty, India was just what Kane liked. She was a younger woman, twenty-nine years old to be exact. Her body was tight and topped off with that beautiful face of hers, she was almost perfect.

  But little did Kane know, she was a far cry from being anything like her twin sister, Asia. India was loud, abrasive, and worst of all, she was a lush. Rasheed tried to warn him about India’s “ways” but unfortunately, Kane was driven by lust.

  “I’m gonna introduce you to her, man,” Rasheed said. “But whatever happens after this, I don’t want to hear nothing about it. Consider yourself warned.”

  Kane took in all of India’s physical attributes from where he was standing and licked his lips. “Whatever, Rah. I ain’t trying to fall in love with the broad. I just wanna get my dick wet. Damn, I wonder what the inside of her mouth feels like.”

  Rasheed stood there with a disgusted look on his face. “Come on, man! You can keep that to yourself.” He waved at India and she walked over to them. “Yo, my man wanted to meet you. Kane, this is India. India, Kane.”

  Rasheed walked back over to the grill, leaving Kane and India by themselves.

  “Mmm,” she began, giving Kane the once-over. “You’re kinda cute. I can take you down.”

  Kane was taken aback by her straightforwardness. “Oh, is that right?” he asked, with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yeah, that’s right, baby. You’re my type of cat,” she replied.

  Within the course of a few weeks, the two hung out with each other a few times and did all of the sexual things that most adults do. But her brash behavior paired with alcohol only intensified India’s ghetto antics. She began to display some clingy behavior, even started questioning him about other women. Pretty soon, Kane was ignoring India’s phone calls and sending her straight to voice mail.

  Now once again, India had started the calling. Hearing her voice made him regret even mentioning her name to Asia.

  “Oh, hey, what’s up, India?” he nonchalantly replied.

  “Oh, hey, what’s up, India?” she repeated, acting as if she was insulted by his indifference. “Thank you for sounding real excited to hear from me! Aren’t you the one who told my sister to tell me to call you?”

  Kane’s jaw tightened. Me and my big ass mouth! He let out a long sigh. “Yeah, I did, girl,” he said, angry at himself for the slip of the lip.

  “Anyway, are you coming to Asia’s baby shower this Saturday or nah? I would have sent your invitation in the mail but I felt like hand delivering it to you.”

  Kane laughed at her “kind” gesture. “Delivering it to me? Is that right? I got a mailman to do that, India,” he said.

  “Well, I’m your mailman today, Kane,” India replied sarcastically. “And I’m not too far away from your house.”

  “Just bring the invite, damn!”

  Within minutes, the persistent India was ringing the bell to his front door. Kane opened the door and immediately snatched the pink envelope right out of India’s hand. But before Kane could say another word, she was on her knees with her coat still on and opening the zipper of his jeans. He was unable to resist her oral expertise; India commenced giving Kane a blow job right in the doorway of his house.

  Kane closed his eyes, as India’s juicy mouth went up and down on the shaft of his erect penis. The head of his rod was halfway down her throat, which tempted him to pull her inside of his house. Kane closed the door behind them and gave India exactly what she came for.

  Two orgasms later, the fully dressed India was sitting on his couch and staring at him with an evil glare.

  Kane buttoned up his jeans. “Yo, why are you staring at me like that? Aren’t you supposed to be leaving?”

  India folded her arms and rolled her neck. “I’m not leaving until you answer me this. I wanna know what’s really good with you, Kane? With us?” she asked. “How long are we going to do this fuck thing?”

  Kane plopped down in the single chair and looked up at the ceiling. He was in no mood for India’s inquiries. He had given her the penis so she should have been on her way out the door.

  “I don’t have no fucking time for this bullshit,” Kane mumbled while rubbing his temples. “You said that you were just coming over to drop off an invite to the baby shower. You’re the one who started sucking my dick in the doorway! I didn’t press you for the head or the ass!”

  India hopped up from the couch and began walking back and forth. Kane prayed that he wouldn’t have to physically remove the angry woman from the premises.

  “Kane, me and you have been fucking with each other on and off for the past two years! When are you gonna make me your got damn girl?”

  Kane almost choked on his own saliva. “Did you just ask when am I going to make you my girl? Yo, you’re funny as hell!” he said, with a laugh.

  “I don’t see what’s so fucking funny!”

  Kane looked at India. Standing before him was a woman who was almost in her thirties who had the mindset and the lingo of a fifteen-year-old girl. If he was unsure of what he wanted in a wife or a girlfriend, he definitely knew what he didn’t want and that was India.

  “What the hell is this woman talking about?” the bewildered Kane asked. “You got damn women are nothing but one big headache, a headache that I don’t need!”

  The defiant India crossed her arms. “And you’re one fake-ass, fronting dude, Kane, I swear you are! You don’t know how good you can have it with me! I have a good job and I make my own motherfucking money. I don’t need no man to take care of me! And I got some good-ass pussy! I can get any man I want!”

  Kane chuckled to himself. He got up and began gathering the rest o
f India’s things. He shoved the belongings in her arms and coat then gently pushed her toward the door.

  “Look, India, we had a good time this evening. So please don’t kill my vibe, okay? I have things to do so you have to leave now,” he said, holding the door open for her.

  India huffed and puffed but luckily for Kane, she didn’t put up much of a fight. Instead, she smiled sweetly.

  “You know what? It’s all good, baby. I think you’re trying to suppress how you feel about me. I get it, boo.”

  The relieved Kane watched as India walked down the front steps of his house. Before he could shut the door, she turned around and looked back at him.

  “You are coming to Asia’s shower next Saturday, right?” she asked.

  “Of course, I’m coming! I wouldn’t miss my boy’s baby shower for the world!”

  A disgusted look came over her face. “Hmmph,” she said. “Oh, yeah, Rasheed is your boy. Damn, I wish my sister could have picked a better baby daddy.” Her eyes rolled up in her head. “Anyway, I will see you Saturday and who knows? Maybe I can come home with you after it’s over,” she added, giving him a wink. “Night night, Kane.”

  Kane shook his head as he watched India get into her convertible. After she pulled off, he slammed his door and cussed Brandi under his breath. If only she would have answered her phone, he wouldn’t have had to subject himself to India, the bugaboo. He reached for his phone and dialed Brandi’s number again. This time, the phone went straight to voice mail.

  “Damn!” Kane yelled, throwing his phone onto the sofa. Angry at himself for losing his cool over some broad he just met, he retrieved the phone to call up Rasheed to vent.

  “What do you want, man?” Rasheed said.

  Kane ignored Rasheed’s rude greeting. “Your future sister-in-law just left my house.”

  “Ah!” Rasheed said, in disgust. “Please don’t call her that! You know I can’t stand that trifling-ass broad. You fucked her, didn’t you?”