Crazy in Love 2 Read online
Page 15
Sean laughed. “Oh. You said ‘girl’ so I thought you were talking to one of your girlfriends.” He paused. “Well, technically, Bam is your girlfriend. Anyway, since there’s not going to be any action in the sack today, let me start getting ready for this eight-hour jail bid that I’m about to do.”
Milan watched as Sean gathered up his things to take a shower and exhaled once she heard the water running. She couldn’t understand why she was so nervous. But then again, she knew why. The walls were closing in on her and it was too late to turn back now.
As Sean lathered up his body in the shower, he thought about the way that Milan was acting toward him. He wondered if she suspected anything and prayed that nothing came up. Did she smell Brandi’s fragrance on me? Is her woman’s intuition kicking in and she’s ready to accuse me of being unfaithful to her?
Then Sean started to get some suspicions of his own. What if Milan was cheating on him? She went to Atlanta quite frequently for business and, because of his busy work schedule, he hadn’t had the opportunity to go with her.
Sean didn’t know what was going on but whatever it was, he couldn’t allow his guilt to get the best of him.
By the time Sean got out of the shower Milan was in the bed and sound asleep. He tiptoed around the room, careful not to wake her from her restful slumber. He quietly grabbed his things for work and went into the next bedroom to get dressed.
It was almost two o’clock in the afternoon before Sean walked out the door and practically ran to his parked truck. If he didn’t know any better, it seemed as if he was desperately trying to escape the lingering cloud of deception that had occurred in his home that weekend. Ironically enough, the gloomy corridors of his Rikers Island facility were looking like a ray of sunshine. He couldn’t wait to get to work.
Chapter 14
Almost an entire week had passed. Brandi was more than happy to get out of the house even it was only to attend a baby shower with Kane.
Truthfully, Brandi was trying her best to avoid Sean. He had called her a few times during the week but she neglected to answer any of his phone calls. Brandi knew that she had better slow things down, for fear that she would fall in love with him all over again. She had to keep reminding herself how much he’d hurt her.
She was pissed that Sean had married someone else. A part of her wanted to destroy everything that Sean built with his wife. Then there was a part of her that actually felt sorry for the woman. Being a woman first, Brandi knew what it felt like to be in love with an unfaithful man.
Brandi pulled her vehicle up in front of Kane’s house in Canarsie. She sat in her car for a few seconds, admiring the quaint brick home and its quiet surroundings. Before she could get out of her car, Kane was standing outside on his doorstep and waving for her to come inside. She quickly gathered up her bag, locked her car door, and met Kane at the door.
When Brandi stepped inside, it looked a layout from Better Homes and Gardens magazine. The dark hardwood floors were practically gleaming and the living room walls were covered with expensive wallpaper that screamed interior decorator. The cherry-colored leather sofa and love seat offset the beautiful linen draperies that framed the tall windows. Contemporary African American art hung from the walls and a pricey imported shag rug that was lying in the middle of the floor only added to the room’s flair.
Brandi smiled. “This is nice,” she gushed. “I would have never expected a bachelor’s pad to look like this. Your place just screams . . . money!”
Kane ushered her to the couch and walked to the closet to get his coat. “Shit, my place ain’t the only thing that screams money, ma. I love having the best that my money can buy.”
Brandi continued to look around the house. “Well, it looks like your money can buy a whole lot,” she replied.
Kane laughed at her comment and looked down at his watch. It was 6:00 p.m. on the dot. “So are we ready to go to this baby shower or what?”
Brandi stood up. “Yes, we are! I hope your friends don’t mind me tagging along with you.”
Kane frowned. “Tagging along?” he said, as he locked the front door behind them. “You ain’t tagging along. I invited you! And trust me, they won’t mind at all.”
When they arrived at the baby shower, it was in full swing. Most of the guests had already arrived and the mother-to-be’s presents were plentiful. Food was being served by caterers and the DJ was jamming.
Brandi looked around the hall. That was when she happened to notice a small group of females staring at her, as if she didn’t belong there. She turned away from them, unfazed by their leering. She followed closely behind Kane, who was making his way through the small crowd and trying to get the expectant father’s attention.
“Yo, Rah!” Kane called out.
As “Rah” made his way toward them, Brandi almost fainted when she discovered that Kane’s friend “Rah” was Rasheed Gordon. He was one of Sean’s closest friends. She couldn’t believe how much of a coincidence it was.
Rasheed walked over to them and gave Kane a bear hug. Then he looked at Brandi and began rubbing his chin.
“Rah, I want to introduce you to a special lady, Brandi,” he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “And, Brandi, this is my boy and the baby daddy of hour, Rasheed,” Kane said.
Brandi put on a fake smile. “Hi, Rasheed, how you doing?” she said, while nervously shaking his hand.
Rasheed winked his eye at her. “Hello, Miss Brandi,” he greeted her with a knowing smile. “Thank you for coming to my event, mama.”
“You’re very welcome,” she mumbled.
Kane noticed Brandi’s nervousness. “Are you okay?” he asked, with a look of concern on his face.
“Oh, I’m fine, I’m fine. I just need something to drink, that’s all. A real stiff drink.”
“You want me to get something for you?”
“No, no, sweetie, I’ll be okay. You go ahead and talk to your friend. I’ll just be over there by the bar,” she said, pointing to the fully stocked bar across the room.
Brandi hurriedly left Kane’s side and practically ran to the bar. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She watched the front door like a hawk, knowing that it was only a matter of time before Sean stepped through the doors of that hall. After all, Rasheed was more like Sean’s brother than his best friend.
She walked over to the bartender and ordered herself a double shot of Patrón. Before the cup could hit the bar, she had swallowed the contents in one big gulp. A few seconds later, another guest was standing on the left side of her, trying to order a drink too.
“What you drinking on, girl?” asked the female.
“I just took a double shot of Patrón,” Brandi replied, looking a bit flustered.
“Hmm,” the woman said. “Sounds good.” She ordered herself a drink too. “Oh, my name is India and yours?”
“I’m Brandi. How you doing, India?”
“I’m doing okay. Just enjoying the scenery.” Brandi nodded her head in agreement. “So who are you here for, Rasheed or Asia?”
“Well, actually I’m here for neither. I came with a friend of Rasheed’s.”
India took a sip of her drink and frowned a little. “Really? Who’s the friend you came with?”
“I came with Kane. Do you know him?” Brandi asked.
India smirked. “Wow. You’re here with Kane? Ain’t that something.”
Suddenly, Brandi remembered who India was. She was one of the women who were shooting her nasty looks when she and Kane first walked in.
“Yes, Kane. Is there a problem?” Brandi asked, instantly getting on the defensive. She ordered another drink from the bar.
India must have picked up on Brandi’s tone and took it down a notch. “No, no, it’s not a problem. It’s just that I found it funny that me and Kane was just hanging out with each other a few nights ago and now he walks into my sister’s baby shower with you! That’s crazy,” India said.
Brandi didn’t respond to India�
��s foolery. Instead, she gave the bartender a tip and took her drink. Ticked off, she started walking toward Kane, who was standing nearby with Rasheed. Just as she was about to grab Kane’s arm to get his attention, she was surprised to see that Sean was standing there with them as well. Brandi instantly froze in her tracks, feeling like she was unable to move her feet. Kane noticed Brandi watching them and gestured for her to come over to him.
Brandi walked over to Kane, wishing that she could disappear into thin air. “Yo, Sean,” Kane said. “I wanted to introduce you to my lady friend, Brandi. Brandi, this is Sean.”
Sean stopped drinking from the cup that he had in his hands and stared at Brandi. He was unable to speak.
“Come on, man,” Kane said, giving him a strange look. “Don’t be rude! Say hello to my lady friend, man.”
Brandi had a sick feeling in her stomach. “Hey, Sean. Nice meeting you.”
“What’s up, Brandi,” he said, with a look of disgust on his face.
Kane wasn’t paying any attention to Sean’s facial expression. He gave Brandi a kiss on the cheek. “Yep, y’all dudes need to get used to seeing this face right here,” he said, while rubbing Brandi’s right cheek with the back of his hand. “You’re going to be seeing quite of bit of her.”
Suddenly, a woman appeared from the back of the hall and reached for Sean’s hand. She was very pretty and slightly younger than Brandi, with a shapely figure.
“Hello,” she said, extending her hand to Brandi. “I’m Milan, Sean’s wife. What’s your name?”
Brandi did everything in her power to keep from giving Milan the screw face. “Brandi. I’m Kane’s friend.”
“Oh, okay,” Milan said. Brandi could tell that Milan was relieved when she said that she was there with Kane.
After Kane introduced the very pregnant Asia to Brandi, she pulled him to a quiet area to let him know what India had told her.
Kane was livid. “Who the fuck does that broad think she is?” he said through clenched teeth. “And why would she tell you that?”
“Um, I don’t know, Kane,” Brandi said sarcastically. “Maybe it’s because you and her fucked a few nights ago!”
“So you believe that bitch?” Kane asked.
Brandi sucked her teeth. “You’re missing the whole point, Kane. Who you have sex with isn’t any of my business,” she said. “I just don’t want any of these bitches starting some shit with me, that’s all!” She paused. “When I agreed to come to this shower with you, I didn’t sign up for this bullshit! I don’t want to have to kick nobody’s ass in here tonight!”
Kane waved her off. “Go ahead with that, Brandi! I’m not letting anyone disrespect you. I’m gonna go talk to India and tell her about herself!”
Brandi grabbed Kane’s arm to keep him from walking toward India, the troublemaker. “Don’t do that. It’s not worth addressing.”
Kane stopped in his tracks. He kissed her on the forehead. “Yeah, you’re right. Anyway, Asia is opening her gifts.”
Brandi sighed. “Okay, I’ll be there in a minute,” she said. “I just have to use the restroom.”
“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you.”
As Brandi was about to walk into a nearby bathroom, Sean appeared around the corner. They both stopped in their tracks and looked at each other for a few moments before they spoke.
“Look, Sean, I didn’t know that you knew Kane,” Brandi explained. “If I would have known—”
Sean cut her off. “Brandi, you don’t have to explain nothing to me. You’re a grown-ass woman,” he said, with an attitude. “Fuck who you want to fuck.”
Brandi was surprised and annoyed at his angry reaction. “You know what? You’re right! I don’t have to explain nothing to your married ass!” she replied, before attempting to walk away. But she didn’t go far. Sean grabbed her arm and stopped her from going any farther.
“Don’t get fucking fly on me, Brandi!” He shook her. “You’re lucky I don’t put my hands on you! And must I remind you that you and I have unfinished business. We ain’t over! I don’t give a fuck about no Kane!”
Brandi snatched her arm from Sean’s tight grasp. “Kane is not my man, Sean. He’s just a fucking friend!”
Sean’s nostrils began flaring. “Are you fucking him?”
“What business is that of yours?” Brandi replied, with her nostrils flaring.
Sean pointed his finger in her face. “Yeah, you’re fucking him,” Sean said. “I could tell!”
Suddenly, Milan appeared around the corner. She walked over to Sean and wrapped her arms around him. “Hey, sweetie. What’s going on over here?” she asked, with look of curiosity on her face.
“Nothing, babe,” Sean replied, without taking his eyes off Brandi. “Brandi here was just asking me where the restroom was.”
Milan put a hand on her hip. “But she’s already standing in front of the women’s restroom, honey,” she said, with an attitude.
Brandi quickly stepped inside of the bathroom, leaving the couple to argue among themselves. As soon the door closed, she pulled out her cell phone and made a phone call.
“Hello? Hey, Dollar! I know that we haven’t spoken to each other in a few days but can you do me a big favor and please come pick me up from this baby shower? I need to get out of this place before I fuck somebody up!”
Brandi gave Dollar the address before hanging up the phone.
A few minutes later, Brandi stuck her head out of the restroom to see if the coast was clear. Sean and Milan were gone. She walked out of the bathroom and was able to sneak past Kane, who was too busy making a toast to Rasheed and Asia to notice her. But she caught Sean staring at her, right before she slipped out of the front door.
Just as she thought she made a clean getaway, Kane walked up behind her near the front entrance of the hall. He grabbed Brandi’s arm.
“Where are you going?” Kane asked, with a confused look on his face. “Didn’t we come together?”
The stunned Brandi turned around to face him. “I’m leaving! Now go back and inside and enjoy your friend’s shower. I’m outta here!”
Kane frowned and let go of Brandi’s arm. “What is your problem? Is it about what India told you?”
“Fuck India!” Brandi exclaimed. “I’m not thinking about that cunt!”
“So what is it then? Why are you leaving?”
Brandi crossed her arms. How could she tell Kane that she couldn’t bear to look in the faces of Sean and his wife? She threw her hands up. “Look, I just gotta go!”
Kane sighed and reached into his pocket for his car keys. “Okay. Let’s go. I’ll take you to your car.”
Brandi stopped him. “No, that’s okay. I have someone coming to pick me up.”
“Who’s coming to get you? One of your girlfriends?” he asked.
She rolled her eyes. “An old friend of mine is coming to get me, Kane.”
Now it was Kane’s turn to cross his arms. “Oh, yeah? Who’s this old friend of yours?”
“You know, Kane, you’re asking a hell of a lot of questions! Now who’s coming to get me is none of your damn business. Just go back inside with your friends!”
But Kane refused to leave her side. They went back and forth for twenty minutes and were still going at it when Dollar pulled up in front of the hall.
Kane followed Brandi outside. “Yo, who the hell is that?” he asked.
“My friend! Go back inside, Kane!” she yelled, while walking toward Dollar’s truck.
Kane yanked Brandi’s arm again, prompting Dollar to step out of his vehicle. “What the fuck are you doing?” Dollar shouted. “Let go of her, man!”
Kane let go of Brandi’s arm and stepped to Dollar. “Who are you to be telling me anything about my woman?”
“I’m not your got damn woman, Kane!” Brandi screamed at him.
Kane looked at her. “You are my woman! And I don’t appreciate you leaving with this motherfucker!” he replied.
All of a sudden, Dollar pu
nched Kane in the face and they began fighting each other right outside of the hall. One of the guests was a witness to the chaos and they immediately ran inside to alert Rasheed and Sean of what was happening. By the time the two friends got to the scene Dollar and Kane were really going at it. Brandi was screaming at the top of her lungs while trying to pull them apart.
Rasheed and Sean immediately stepped between the two men and broke it up. Brandi stood to the side, simmering with anger while Asia, India, and Milan looked at her like she was crazy. The other guests were whispering about the incident as well.
Rasheed held on to Dollar while Sean grabbed a hold of Kane.
“Yo, Dollar,” Rasheed began, as he tried to catch his breath. “What are you doing on this side of town, man?” he asked. “I haven’t seen you in years!”
“What’s up, Rah?” the exhausted Dollar replied. “I came to pick up my homegirl and when I pulled up, I saw this punk motherfucker grabbing on her and wilding the fuck out!” he said, pointing at Kane.
“Fuck you, man! You came at me!” screamed Kane, while Sean pulled him away.
“Chill out before somebody call the cops!” Sean said, still holding on to the upset Kane. “We’re gonna go back inside now!”
As Sean forced Kane back inside the hall, he gave Brandi a nasty look. Asia, India, and Milan followed them back into the hall, along with the rest of the guests. The only people left standing outside were Brandi, Rasheed, and Dollar. Rasheed finally let Dollar go and watched as he got himself together.
“You a’ight, man?” Rasheed asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
Dollar managed to smile at Rasheed and gave him a pound. “Yeah, man, I’m all right. It’s just that when I pulled up, your boy was trying to manhandle my peoples and I wasn’t having that!”
Rasheed looked at the somber-faced Brandi. She was standing off by herself, looking quite embarrassed and shaking her head.