Crazy in Love 2 Read online
Page 16
“I apologize for ruining your baby shower, Rasheed. I really didn’t expect for any of this to happen,” Brandi said, her voice quivering with sadness.
Rasheed shrugged his shoulders. “Ah, don’t worry about it. I’ll go talk to Kane. Just get Dollar out of here.”
Dollar apologized to Rasheed too and gave him a pound. Shortly after, he and Brandi hopped into his truck and pulled off.
Back inside of the hall, Sean and Kane were in the men’s restroom together. While Kane stood in the mirror, tending to his busted lip, Sean was standing behind him, sulking.
“So how long have you and Brandi been seeing each other?” Sean asked.
Kane turned around and looked at him. “We just started talking to each other. Why?”
Sean leaned against the bathroom wall and shook his head. “You know that’s my ex-chick, right?”
Kane pressed the wet paper towel against his swollen bottom lip. “Okay. And?”
“Yo, man, if you hurt her—” Sean warned.
Kane cut Sean off. “What you mean, if I hurt her? Like you hurt her, man?”
Sean frowned. “You don’t know nothing about me and Brandi’s relationship, homie! But what I do know is that you don’t particularly care for me and I feel the same way about your ass. And let me tell you something else,” he said, taking a step closer to Kane. “Don’t make Brandi a pawn in this dirty fucking game. If you got any issue with me, you deal with me. Leave her out of it!”
Kane threw the bloody paper towel in the trash and stared Sean down. “Fuck you, nigga,” he said, pointing his finger in his face. “Your married ass can’t tell me shit!”
Kane opened the door and walked out, leaving Sean standing there with a dumb look on his face.
Chapter 15
It was the midnight hour in Atlanta. Tuki walked into her spacious loft. She stepped out of her Louboutin heels and her Roberto Cavalli dress, leaving them on the floor, in the middle of the living room. She removed her La Perla bra and thong underwear and threw them to the side. Then Tuki slid into her heart-shaped king-sized bed with nothing on.
Tuki lay there, looking up at her vaulted ceiling. The effects of the Dom Pérignon Rosé she consumed earlier had her feeling real good. And the charity event that she hosted that night ended with a bang; she was so happy that everything came off without a hitch. But there was something missing that night or, rather, someone. That someone was Milan.
She tried closing her eyes but all she could see was Milan’s pretty face. If Tuki thought long and hard, she could practically smell the natural scent of her sweet vagina. Tuki sighed loudly, as she wrapped the white goose down comforter around her nude frame.
Tuki turned over and looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was 12:06 in the morning. She couldn’t stop wondering what Milan was doing. Is she thinking about me? Who is she with? Those were some of the questions that she had on her mind.
Not able to take the suspense anymore, she jumped out of bed to retrieve her cell phone from her clutch. She dialed Milan’s number and anxiously waited for her to answer.
After the third unanswered phone call, Tuki became agitated. She dialed the number for the fourth, fifth, and sixth time and there was still no answer. She began pacing back and forth, making one last attempt at calling. This time, she left a voice mail on Milan’s phone.
“Hey, Milan,” Tuki said. “I’m, like, trying to call you and you’re, like, not answering my fucking phone calls! I really don’t know what to think about you, Milan, I mean, you always answer my calls. Are you with someone else? Do you still love me? Please tell me the truth, Milan! Don’t fucking string me along!”
Tuki disconnected the call. Then she fell down to her knees and covered her face with her hands.
The spoiled Tuki always got whatever she wanted and it was no different when it came to her lovers. But there was something about Milan and her elusive behavior that was vaguely familiar to her.
All of Tuki’s friends thought that Fabian Graham was so cute. She never denied that. He was the captain of their school’s varsity basketball team and voted as the most popular boy of their senior class. Fabian was every high school girl’s dream.
While Tuki thought that Fabian was subpar, he was telling her friends that he had a major crush on her. “Hook me up with Tuki,” he would tell them and they would try to advocate for the handsome jock. But Tuki wouldn’t bite. She was not interested in him at all, which only made her more attractive to him. It seemed as though Fabian, who was accustomed to the female attention, was intrigued by her aloofness. He thought she was playing hard to get. Little did he know, Tuki liked who he liked: girls. But of course, at that time, she wasn’t ready to reveal that side of her.
One day, Fabian finally got the nerve to approach Tuki in the corridor of their Atlanta high school. He cornered her by her locker, refusing to let her past him until she gave up her telephone number. Not wanting to look like a prude, Tuki gave Fabian her information and much to her dismay, he started calling her at home every day after school. Fabian was such a well-mannered young man over the phone that her parents insisted on meeting the young man. Fabian was more than thrilled when Tuki told him the news and naturally, the moment her parents saw him, they were taken by his good looks and charm. And the fact that he was being scouted by several universities only added to the Charleses’ delight.
Meanwhile, Tuki was not impressed with all of this. It had been some months since she and Fabian started seeing each other and now, he was asking for her most precious treasure. Tuki always dreamed of being with a girl the first time she had sex; she’d never imagined that she would be deflowered by some boy. Then she figured that giving up her virginity to a boy wasn’t such a bad idea. She wanted to get that part out of the way and go on to live her life as a gay woman.
Tuki’s moment of truth came the night of her high school prom. Fabian was smiling from ear to ear, as he accepted the crown for the homecoming king for the Class of 2000. Tuki stood by and watched as the homecoming queen placed a kiss on the lips of her date. Her friends were a bit ruffled by the gesture and ranted about how she should have been on that stage with Fabian. But the popular Tuki couldn’t care less. She had too many other “grown-up” things on her mind to be bothered by something so trivial and juvenile as some pageant.
While some of her classmates would be heading to someone’s house party after their senior prom, Tuki had used her credit card to reserve a room for her and Fabian at the exclusive Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Peachtree Street. Everything was going to be set up perfectly for the young couple. At her request, warm scented candles would be lit, the champagne was going to be on ice, and the rose petals were going to spread all over the king-sized bed. Tuki was probably more excited about the presentation than she was the actual process. But she had to make sure that things went off with a bang; after all, it was her first time having sex and she had a reputation to uphold.
So that night, after the prom was over, Tuki and Fabian hopped in their rented Bentley Phantom and headed to the Ritz. She made sure that she got Fabian all hot and bothered before they arrived at their destination. The moment they walked into the room, Fabian’s love came down. He took her into his arms and kissed her. Then using his expert hands, he went under her prom dress and rubbed her clitoris until she had a mind-blowing orgasm before they even made it to the bed.
Tuki took off her $500 prom dress and threw it to the side. Fabian practically ripped off his rented tuxedo and climbed on top of Tuki. She felt his manhood growing and was shocked at the size of it. But she grabbed on to it anyway and rubbed it on her vagina, just like the women did in the porno movies she secretly watched from time to time. In the meantime, Fabian was in awe, amazed at the way Tuki was taking charge of their special moment. She slid his underwear off then opened her legs for him to enter.
“Put it in,” she ordered.
And Fabian did just that. Tuki’s eyes widened, unprepared for the pain of it all. He took his time
with her, though, while making sure that she felt every inch of his manhood. Once he was inside of her, Fabian made love to Tuki. He must have cum at least three times and her orgasms were plentiful, as well. Fabian even licked her down there and to Tuki that licking was one of the best feelings in the world.
After the night was over, Tuki and Fabian went home, with wonderful memories of their prom night experience. They had sex a few more times after graduation and eventually, they went their separate ways. Fabian was accepted to Stanford University and Tuki was to attend Spelman University, right there in Atlanta. They remained good friends but never had any more sexual contact again.
It wasn’t until Tuki’s freshman year at Spelman that she had her first experience with a woman.
Tuki remembered seeing her exit the school library. She was an attractive woman, too; her beautiful golden -colored locks were piled on the top of her head like a crown. And she walked with her head up high, as if she was royalty. But she wasn’t a student. Her name was Cassidy Sterling, a professor of sociology at Spelman. She was a well-known feminist and a strong advocate for women’s rights. And she was off-limits.
“I am a queen,” Professor Sterling would always say to her students. “And, ladies, we should all think of ourselves as such.”
Professor Sterling was much older than the eighteen-year -old Tuki, thirty-two years old to be exact. It was rumored that she was a raging bisexual who had a strong appetite for men and women who were much younger than her. At first, this was just a rumor; Professor Sterling had managed to keep her personal life very low-key. That was, until she met Tuki.
Tuki, who was naïve to the bisexual rumors, was fascinated with the professor. She would secretly stalk the woman; she even changed her major from psychology to sociology just to see her. Her father wasn’t too happy about that but Tuki didn’t care. She was determined to be near the object of her desire.
One day, Tuki finally got the nerve to approach the professor after class. She waited until the other students filed out of the classroom to speak to the woman.
“Um, Professor Sterling?” Tuki said, as she watched the woman go through a stack of paperwork.
The professor looked up and smiled at her. “Oh, hello, sweetie,” she said, in a singsong voice that sounded like music to Tuki’s ears.
“Um,” Tuki began, with some slight hesitation in her voice. “I’m so sorry to bother you but I was just wondering if you can go over something that we talked about in class today. I needed a little more information about the human relations stuff.”
Professor Sterling pulled up a chair near her desk for Tuki. “Sure, sweetie. Have a seat. What do you want to know?”
“I wanted to know more about the homosexual community. Why is it there so much hatred against gay men and us gay women? I understand that everyone has their preferences but what about our, I mean, their rights?”
The professor cleared her throat and nervously shifted in her seat. “Tuki, I want to try to understand what you’re asking here so that I can give you some clarification on this particular topic. But before we get started, I have to ask you something. Are you trying to tell me that you’re gay?”
Tuki looked down. “Yes, I think I am. Um, I mean, at least, I feel that I am. But I have no attraction to men, just women.”
Professor Sterling gazed into Tuki’s eyes. “Okay. And you also know that we did not discuss that in class today. You do know that, right?”
Tuki smirked. “Yeah, I know. Can I be totally honest with you, Professor?”
“I know this might be a little inappropriate but I have dreams about you. I mean, I think that you’re so beautiful. Your skin, your eyes, your locks . . . I just can’t get images of you out of my head. And I’m not sure that you are comfortable with what I’m saying right now but I just had to get it off my chest.” Tuki stood up to leave. “Okay, that’s all. You have a nice day.”
As Tuki walked to the door, Professor Sterling called out her name. “Wait a minute, Tuki,” she said. “Lock that door and come back here.”
Tuki did as she was told. Professor Sterling got up from her seat and walked over to her. She placed a soft kiss on Tuki’s lips. They began kissing each other, right in the middle of the large classroom. It didn’t take long before the Professor had Tuki against the wall of the classroom with her face nestled between her legs. And that gratifying sexual experience was what solidified Tuki as a certified lesbian.
After that first round, the professor and Tuki kept their forbidden affair under wraps. They would meet up with each other after classes and off campus at the professor’s one-bedroom apartment. It was there that the professor educated Tuki on how to explore the vagina and give her partner mind-blowing orgasms with her tongue. Not only was Tuki a quick learner, she was a dedicated student/ perfectionist who had mastered her oral sex. She sucked and licked on the professor’s delicious pussy until she got it right.
Then almost two years later, the façade that Professor Sterling had put on for the Spelman staff, students, and the lovelorn Tuki was beginning to unravel. She wasn’t a full-fledged lesbian after all; she was a certified freak. She had a penchant for helping young women like Tuki come out of the closet. And she also had a thing for frat boys, preferably members of the Kappa Alpha Psi and Omega Psi Phi fraternities.
While Professor Sterling had Tuki believing that they were in an exclusive relationship, she was secretly having sexual trysts with a couple of Morehouse Kappas and Q Dogs.
When Tuki found out about these alleged trysts from a reliable source, she was devastated by this news. They had been seeing each other throughout her freshman and sophomore years without anyone suspecting a thing. Yet the news of Professor Sterling’s activities was running rampant all over the Spelman campus. When Tuki confronted her about the rumors, not only did Professor Sterling admit that they were true, she tried to coerce Tuki into having a ménage à trois with one of her Morehouse male suitors.
Heartbroken, Tuki threatened to expose their forbidden affair to the upper echelon at Spelman. It wasn’t too long after that threat that Professor Sterling resigned her position. But that wasn’t the end of her. A few months later, some students talked about the beautiful wedding that Professor Sterling had and how handsome her husband was.
From that moment on, Tuki swore off bisexual women.
Throughout the years, Tuki had her share of lovers. But the scandalous relationship with Professor Sterling left her with a hole in her heart. Almost ten years later, she was still unable to trust or even get too close to anyone. And because of her trust issues, she was known in Atlanta’s gay circles for being very promiscuous. She was what they called an “aggressive fem” with her preference being lipstick lesbians and soft studs. Then just as Tuki thought that she was going to be a playgirl forever, Milan came into her life. After meeting her, Tuki decided that it was time for her to settle down with one woman.
Tuki met Milan through mutual acquaintances, back in 2011, during a GLAAD event during Gay Pride Weekend in Atlanta. They started up a casual conversation with each other, immediately hitting it off. Milan told Tuki that she was a marketing assistant for Universal Records and that she was down there for a BET conference. Needless to say, Tuki was very impressed with Milan. Not only was she very beautiful, she also had that New York City swag that Tuki adored. It was definitely love at first sight for the socialite.
Tuki told her that she loved the way that New Yorkers talked. She used to imitate them by using her hands and speak with a phony Northern accent. Milan thought that she was hilarious and was complemented by her.
They talked about Tuki’s life as a socialite and Milan let her know that she appreciated her beauty. They realized they were both in the life and Tuki suggested they exchange information.
That was over a year ago. Since then, Milan had made several trips to Atlanta. She was usually in town for business but she always found a way to fit Tuki into her busy schedule. As fo
r Tuki, there was never enough time for them to spend with each other because she was just as busy with her own commitments.
For the last couple of months, she found herself questioning their long-distance affair. Tuki didn’t complain with their arrangement at first but she felt that it was time to get to the bottom of things. She had to find out if Milan wanted to take things to the next level with her. In other words, Tuki was ready to commit.
Tired of stressing over Milan’s unanswered phone calls, she grabbed her Apple laptop off her desk and logged in. From there, she went straight to the Delta Airlines Web site to make reservations to fly first class into John F. Kennedy International Airport that Sunday afternoon. A few months back, Tuki had gotten hold of Milan’s Brooklyn address from a check that the woman wrote for one of her charities. So with that bit of info, she knew that her impromptu visit to New York was not going to be in vain.
After putting in her credit card information, Tuki pressed one last button. A sinister smile came over her face once she received the confirmation number for her plane reservations.
“This bitch is gonna learn not to play with Tuki Charles,” she whispered to herself. “I always get what the fuck I want. New York City, here I come!”
Tuki slammed the laptop closed and went to pack her things for her afternoon trip to the city. She couldn’t wait to see the expression on Milan’s face when she appeared on her doorstep.
Milan and Sean drunkenly stumbled into their Bedford-Stuyvesant home a little after two in the morning. Rasheed’s baby shower had ended with a few of the guests taking the celebration to a local lounge bar for some more dancing and drinks. As the tipsy Milan fell up the stairs, Sean was right on her heels to help her up. When they finally made it to their bedroom, they practically tore off their clothing and engaged in some passionate sex.
An hour later, Sean was in a deep sleep and snoring loudly. Milan was unable to sleep so she quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom and downstairs to the family room. Once she was down there, she took out her cell phone to listen to her new voice messages. She had noticed that Tuki left an urgent voice mail for her and she wanted to hear it.